Environmental Policy
In 2017, we had our ISO 14001 (the internationally recognised standard for environmental management) registration renewed, and have been commended on the progress we’ve made. Achieving ISO 14001 has given us a practical framework to fulfil our environmental responsibilities. But it has also improved our business by helping us use resources more efficiently; reducing energy use, waste, and raw materials costs. We were also the first business in our sector to achieve this back in 2008.
Through our environmental policy we’ve made a public commitment to:
- meet all relevant environmental legal requirements
and exceed them where we can; - reduce our waste and manage it well;
- be vigilant in avoiding the risk of pollution;
- use resources as efficiently as possible.
Just some of our recent practical initiatives include:
- creating reusable stillages to despatch products to key customers,
- reducing packaging;
- changing to low wattage lamps, and installing motion sensors, to reduce electricity wastage;
- recycling our waste PVC, to reduce the amount being sent to landfill.
We’re privileged to be based in the heart of Devon, close to a Site of Special Scientific Interest, with the Dartmoor hills as a backdrop. You’re always welcome to visit! Through sound environmental management, we will ensure we play our part in preserving our beautiful surroundings. You can find out more by reading our environmental policy.